How has it already been six weeks since we brought this sweet little guy home? He has changed so much. So quickly in fact, that I am afraid I am going to miss something. So quickly that I think I might need to do weekly blog posts to keep track of all of it!
Chopper boy is now 16 pounds, has visited Dr. KC three times, completed all of his shots, and stays in his crate without crying. His eyes are no longer green but they still melt his mamma’s heart just the same. His tiny white belly is already covered in spots, his paws are massive, and he is learning new things every day.
We had a feeling that Chopper would be a bit more mischievous than Moo Bear. Let’s be honest, he is a boy and already has a completely different personality! We didn’t expect, however, that he would pull in partial slabs of sod from our back yard, eat rocks, dead grass, and a ton of dirt. Throw his head back and have a tantrum, OR… that he would steal shoes and hats right off our bodies and bolt outside. In fact, we already had one emergency visit to Apollo Animal Hospital because Chopper was having trouble breathing. Dr. KC confirmed that Chopper had dirt stuck in his throat! He will literally just take his tongue and place it on a pile of dry dirt like it is an ice cream cone!
everything changes
Surprisingly, the rapid change in Chopper’s size has not deterred him from sitting in our laps or carpet surfing under the couch and coffee table. He was shocked when he tried to go through the front gate the other day and could no longer make it through the slats. He tried every single space just to be sure. Luckily, he hasn’t outgrown his hiccups, because they are the absolute cutest, he now loves shower time, and actually plays in the water. Sadly, he has outgrown his tendency to poop in circles, enjoy being in front of the camera, and bat at the wind. When we would go for car rides, Chopper would put his head out the window and then get mad that the wind was blowing in his face so he would swat at it to stop! He absolutely loves carrots and peanut butter and will cry for cucumbers!
Some of his favorite parts of the day are sitting with daddy while he plays Madden, playing tug a war with the sheets as I do laundry, cuddling, and any time someone puts on lotion! He happy pees only when Kate walks in the house from a long day at school and he generally does a great job socializing. He now knows sit, paw, down, speak, “shhhh,” come, stay, and kisses, but he chooses when he wants to perform them.
The list of nicknames just continues to grow. Thankfully, he finally responds to his name, but he is also called: Chop Wood, Chop Chop, Choppie Chop, Bubbies.