Growing up, we all have family members or people in our lives that use a particular phrase often. One that you hear them say frequently and most likely it didn’t really resonate with you until you were older. When I think of my dad, I think of his smile and his wise words, “Use the thing between your ears,” and “Two wrongs don’t make a right.” These two phrases were the backbone of his parenting and were used before, during, and/or after my brother and I got into any kind of mischief. I didn’t put too much thought into them growing up, they went in one ear and out the other. Often, they may have even been accompanied with an eye roll or a sigh.
As time passed, I connected with these phrases in a way that makes me constantly think about my actions. His words are always at the forefront of my mind. Today, I live by these words and share them with my own daughter just as often as he shared them with me. And yes… sometimes they go in one ear and out the other and are accompanied by an eye roll. But one day, these words will make an impact on her as well. An impact that makes her a better person for herself and those around her.
One of my favorite parts about all this is that even though I now use these phrases with Katlyn and I am now an adult, my dad still uses them with me!
Tell me!
I would love to know some of the phrases or sayings you grew up with! Comment and let me know who and what had an impact on you!

For more personal blog posts from Jes, check out:
No. 1 | Our Arizona Adventures
No. 2 | When Your Daughter Feels Beautiful
No. 3 | Parents. Grandparents. Lovebirds
“Don’t rent space in your head for people who aren’t paying rent” Wise words that were always told to me by my “adopted/2nd” Mama. I never truly understood what she meant in my teens but as I got older and dealt with different struggles It finally made sense. Stop being a doormat, know your worth & stop bending over backwards for people who don’t deserve the time of day. I may have to remind myself of these words some days but they truly impacted me and I’m grateful for those words today.
I remember papa c saying the first phrase. It’s a good one to live by that’s for sure. Zpzp❤️