I swear that at least once a week I shake my head at how this universe does its magic. Sometimes it is hard to even believe where our paths take us, the people we meet along the way, and the connections we make. Throughout the last four years, Kaitlynn has lived a life full of ups and downs, friends and midterms, hellos and goodbyes… and now she is about to start a new chapter in her life as she graduates from Arizona State University.
During seasons of change, it is so powerful to take a moment and recognize which decisions in this life brought some of the most amazing people in our lives. If it wasn’t for Instagram (which I have a love-hate relationship with) I would have never booked with Sam, who referred Brooklyn my way for a bridal boudoir session, who then chose me to photograph the morning of her wedding day. And that’s when I met Kaitlynn, one of Brooklyn’s beautiful bridesmaids. Kaitlynn and I hit it off immediately and here we are, running around ASU campus and Papago Park as we celebrated her graduation, just a month or so later!
Kaitlynn, I wish you the best of luck as you travel this world, experience life to the fullest, and find a path that speaks to your soul! Thank you for choosing me to capture such a fun time in your life! Congratulations!