Typically, we write about a moment from a vibrant wedding day that sticks with us. Taylor and Matt didn’t have just one moment that made the cut. Their entire wedding day at The Buttes at Reflections, and what their relationship stands for, inspired us to dig a little deeper. Their friendly competition (where Taylor always wins), their sweet “swipe right” love story, and their choice to give up the life they had before for a new life together are just some of the many reasons we love them. Matt and Taylor are beautiful human beings, but that isn’t it. Life seemed to have more perspective when we had the opportunity to witness them standing strong through the worldwide scares of COVID-19, with guests and family members backing out last minute, and the periodic torrential rainfall throughout their wedding day.
finding perfection in the rain
Personally, I long to be an artist who sees beauty in every flaw. Content with greatness rather than perfection. The pursuit of perfection has been something I have struggled within all aspects of my life. Starting at a young age, I was either perfect or I was a failure. It has been a long journey to change this mindset, but it is still something that creeps into my mind when I least expect it.
Matt and Taylor’s beautiful wedding day happened to be one of those days for me. As Taylor’s mom was helping her into her dress and jewelry the rain started coming down. In that moment, my heart sank and I got angry over something I have no control over! Why couldn’t the weather hold out for us? Matt and Taylor were about to share their first look and have portraits together. If it rained, it meant their wedding gallery wouldn’t be good enough; I would let them down. The thoughts of imperfection started making their way into my conscience and it took everything in me to shut them out.
“Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work” – Aristotle
I was worried that with all of the rain I wouldn’t have enough portraits of Matt and Taylor. It seemed that every time I swept them away for a few moments, the sun would rescind its offer, the clouds would turn dark, and the sky would open. I had a moment of clarity as Matt and Taylor were running into the venue to escape the cool droplets of water on their skin. This wasn’t my wedding day. As much as I wanted to be in control so that I could not only love them as our #MWPcouple but also provide them with the pictures they dreamt about. I can’t control the weather or possible contagions.
The two people that mattered most were smiling, full of joy, and no less excited about their love story. Ultimately, that was what I was there to photograph. The magic moments were present throughout the entire day, I just needed to let go of the negative thoughts and my need for control.
the tie in…
You guys, it isn’t about perfection. Life, relationships, love… they aren’t perfect. Matt and Taylor seem to have one of life’s secrets figured out, the importance of weathering the storm. We can’t change it, control it, or mask it, but we can stand hand-in-hand and face it together. I truly hope that every single one of our couples, past – present – and future, has the ability to weather the storm as Matt and Taylor do. The storms will roll in, you just have to put your boots on and dance in the rain.

creative team
MaeWood Photography
@maewoodphotography_jes I www.maewoodcollective.com
Venue: The Buttes at Reflections
@_thebuttesatreflections_ I www.buttesatreflections.com
Florals: Alexis Grace Floral Designs
@alexisflorals I www.alexisgraceflorals.com
Hair & Makeup: Heather Van Houten
@hvhfaces I www.hvhartists.com
Baker: Jennifer Metz: @jenniferstable
Gown Boutique: Luv Bridal
@luv_bridal I www.luvbridal.com
Gown Designer: Mia Solano: @miasolano