When I walk into the home of the Edgecumbe Family, I can hear the little pitter patter of Cal’s feet running around, a truck in each hand, and a smile on his face. He is wild with life and love, his blonde curls catch the light coming through the window, and his smile is full of tiny baby teeth with adorable tiny gaps between each one. This little boy, this little love full of so much life is a miracle baby, one who was born in despite infertility to two parents who fought long and hard to have him, Megan and Brent.
This holiday season, we drove out to Malibu Canyon together to photograph and celebrate the life and love this family shares. That’s exactly how I met this precious family in the first place, through their booking for their summer family photos! Seem like too many photos? No such thing! Capturing the milestones and joy you share with your babies and the person you love most in this world should be a priority, whether it be with your own camera phone, or by letting someone else do the work so you can live in the moment! We just never know what this life is going to throw our way… sometimes they are blessings like the arrival of baby Cal after years of trying to conceive, or the adoption of my baby girl because I couldn’t. And sometimes they are painful losses where all you may have left is the memory of a loved one and a photograph to relive it every day. Everyone has their own, uniquely difficult, and beautiful journey to follow and Megan Edgecumbe is one of those souls who wants to share in it with you, talk about it, dig deep and love you for you. That’s one of the many reasons we became friends.
This blog post is about her and her family photographs, but also about her work. She is a new mommy blogger, and her blogs are meaningful, caring, sweet, and helpful to all mamma’s out there. I truly encourage you to follow her blog and her story as she raises Cal and as she fights through another round of invitro to try and grow her family by just two more feet.