Landry & Bobby + a Baby Makes 3
We’ve seen weddings. We’ve seen baby announcements. And this past Saturday, we saw these two major milestones happen all rolled into one amazing celebration! Landry and Bobby were married, which is enchanting enough on its own, but…they also used their special day to make another giant announcement:
Baby Heaps, coming in April 2022
Now, you’d never know they’re pregnant by looking at our stunning Landry, as Baby Heaps was about the size of a strawberry at the time, but a photo-op with a teeny Baby pumpkin sandwiched between Mr & Mrs pumpkins officially announced the newest arrival to the Heaps’ huddle. It was the absolute perfect time and place to make their special announcement – surrounded by those they cherish most in this world. They, along with their little one, got to start their journey as a family of 3 bound by the devotion of their gathered family and friends.
You see, a wedding that includes both the Heaps and Ratajczak families is so much more than ceremonial. For one, it’s a true celebration of the best in each other and all the blessings in life. Even if you aren’t related by blood to either the Ratajczaks or the Heaps, it’s hard not to instantly feel like part of the family. A Heaps-Ratajczak event is also sure to be one HELL of a shindig! The combined party power in that meadow Saturday night was off the charts on the fun scale, with Tommy from Thunderkiss Entertainment artfully soundtracking the festivities from start to finish.
It takes a village
But more importantly, a Ratajczak-Heaps wedding is a true testament to the power of family and friendship. The Heaps fam is pretty sizeable on its own. Bobby’s kith consists of quite a few aunts and uncles, with even more cousins who are now having babes of their own. Landry is the youngest of 3 sisters and is one of many in her extended family as well, so the Ratajczak tribe isn’t all that small either. Together, this brood is big, but it’s also super tight-knit.
With everyone assembled in the barn at The Vineyards of Mary’s Meadow, the big announcement made its way to all, and the joy it caused was palpable. From Bobby’s face during the first look (seriously, we dare you not to cry when you see his reaction to seeing Landry for the first time in her dress), right down to the end of the speech given by Landry’s father, David, who informed all in attendance that they were all going to have an important role in this new baby’s life as providers of love and support.
They say “it takes a village” to raise a little one and based on what we witnessed this past weekend, Baby Heaps is in stellar shape!
To infinity and beyond
While that lil’ Heaps is still a lil’ ways away, we’re still basking in the afterglow of this extra special celebration of our beautiful bride and dapper groom.
Landry, Bobby, and Baby Heaps, we adore you to infinity and beyond and are so honored you entrusted us to capture such a magical moment in time!!! We know how long you’ve waited for this, and love seeing your happily ever after coming true!!!

our amazing vendors
Photography: The MaeWood Collective @themaewoodcollective
Videography: The MaeWood Collective @themaewoodcollective
Hair: Ligaya @ligayas.locks
Makeup: NVS Bridal & Beauty @nvsbridal
Venue: Vineyard at Mary’s Meadow @vineyardsofmarysmeadow
Catering: Dean & Brown Catering
Cake: Karen’s Kakes & Cookies @karenskakesmd
DJ: Thunderkiss Entertainment @thunderkissentertainment
Florals: Sweet Annie’s Mobile Flower Cart @sweetanniesflowertruck