Micki and Jon have this passionate love built around friendship, parenting, and laughter. To be in their presence is to witness this fun energy and a true commitment to each other that constantly reminds us why we are wedding photographers. Their love story is special because they get to share it with their one-year-old daughter, Riley; a sweet bundle of joy with a smile that will light up any and every room she enters. As the story goes, Micki is a huge fan of Gray’s Anatomy, and we don’t blame her! One of her favorite scenes is the ending of the final episode of season 4, when Meredith plans the home she hopes to share with Derek, by drawing the layout of the house on Mr. McDreamy’s yard out of candles. So cleverly, right after watching Gray’s Anatomy, Jon convinced Micki that she had a long day and that she should go upstairs to go to sleep. Micki wasn’t having it at first, but after Jon did some convincing, she went upstairs to bed. As soon as he knew it was safe, Jon filled the house with flowers and the back porch with candles, but instead of designing the layout of their home, he wrote: “Will You Marry Me?” Jon didn’t expect Micki to pass out like a champ, and proposing proved to be more difficult than he expected! He called her phone multiple times and didn’t have any success, so he ran upstairs to check on her and when he saw she was quite asleep, he woke her up with the excuse he was trying to find his gym bag! Then he went to “check the car” and he pretended to lock himself out of the house so that she would have to come downstairs… after quite some time, a frustrated and sleepy-eyed Micki came down, but her immediate thought was that their dog, Sadie, had gotten into their fake flowers and made a mess on the floor. But after she finally widened her eyes and heard the soft music playing, she realized they were perfectly placed rose petals leading to the back door, where she found all the candles, and Jon waiting with her ring, down on one knee to pop the question.
We are so glad that Micki finally woke up and Jon was able to ask her to marry him because these two are “completely undone” by each other and have a love that just can’t be put into words. Rather than choosing to be “ordinary apart” they choose to be “extraordinary together…” and they “just fit…they are each other’s home… each other’s hearts.
Congratulations soon to be Mr. and Mrs. Miller, we are so thrilled to spend your wedding day with you!